Services we offer:-

Site pic Whirlpool stock pic

Each site is surveyed photographically and measurements taken of bed levels, water levels, water temperature and flow velocity. Results from the survey are combined with the most accurate historical gauging information available to give the best possible estimates of flow regimes and water levels to ensure the fish pass will work as designed.

Site surveying / Obstruction assessment

The report will contain both ‘as-is’ and proposed plan and sectional views of the site with the most suitable fish pass design illustrated with estimated water levels and dimensions appended.  The reason for the selection of a particular type of fish pass will be clearly explained in the report. 
Approval application can also be completed on request

Fish Pass Design

All designs are backed up by complex flow modelling calculations.  All fish pass designs aim to operate over the Q95 to Q10 range of flow exceedances.  This precludes the need to design for drought and flood flows—as required by regulatory bodies.

Flow Modelling

Fish pass designs can be tailored to allow for the installation of a variety of automated fish counting systems.  There is no more effective way of validating the efficiency of a fish pass, as well as providing the necessary PR to justify the effort that went into its design and construction.

Fish Counter Installation

Arch. screw stock

Eel and elver passes can be tailor-made to bypass any obstruction providing a cost-effective, long term solution to help combat eel population decline.  Often included as part of a fish pass design, but can also be  requested as a stand-alone design.

Elver and Silver Eel Migration

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All calculations required to apply for an abstraction license for proposed  hydro-power schemes can be performed.  These calculations will propose the hands-off flow for fish passage, and provide accurate estimates for the residual flows over the weir for the Q95/Q10 range of exceedance flows.

All Environment Agency forms can be completed and all data supplied as to obtain NFPG Approval for a project. 

Approval and License Application