Site Surveys—
Mike (above) and Matt (below)

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About Us

We have some 35 years experience in the design of fish passage facilities for all species including eels and lamprey.  We undertake site inspections, surveys, and flow modeling. A comprehensive report is prepared which includes different options for fish passage, and engineering drawings to enable construction. 

Mike Beach founded the consultancy and began his fisheries work as a MAFF inspector at the Salmon & Freshwater Laboratory regulating fish passage design schemes throughout the UK.   His background is in engineering and flow modeling and he is well known for his original research which published fish swimming performance equations, and also the requirements for Ministry Approval of a submitted fish pass design.  His predicted fish swimming speeds and endurances were fundamental for the design of effective fish passes.  He worked for 25 years as a fish pass consultant designing fish passes across the length and breadth of the British Isles.

Matt Beach is a zoologist and joined Mike as a full partner having first served a 2-year apprenticeship designing a wide variety of fish passage solutions .  He worked with Mike for over 14 years, involved in all aspects of the business, before taking over the consultancy following Mike’s retirement.

The mix of engineering and zoology backgrounds helps us to appraise more fully:  the nature of an obstruction to fish passage; the likely effect on resident fish species and the habitat quality, and quantity, available above the obstruction. The mix of specialist backgrounds also assisted in communication with a wider audience.

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